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We need support to maintain higher vibrations in

our behavior and our thinking.

One the best supports are the Creative Emotions. 

In this on line event, we will explore and strengthen our relationship with

these Creative Emotions, one by one.

Starting With:  




March 14th & 21st 

8:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Atlantic  Std. Time


on line EVENTS


Abraham channeled through Esther Hicks

can be quoted as saying

"The Universe does not hear words,

it only hears feelings." 

Dates to be Determined. 

Cost :

$35.00 Cdn 

per person.

Creative Emotions

are those "feelings"

that the universe can hear

because they are of a higher vibration.


Feelings of a higher vibration, can call our desires into reality.

But which feelings are of high vibration?

Wishing - No! Hoping - No!

Gratitude - Yes! Joy - Yes! Freedom - Yes!

Unlimited - Yes!

As well, you may have a list of those Creative Emotions - but is that enough?

"Knowing" these emotions does not mean that

you are able to feel them, to call them up whenever you need them.

Our Purpose in the

Creative Emotions Classrooms

is not just to Know, and to Feel these

High Vibration Emotions 


to be able

to call them up,

to create them within the self,

upon command! 


Presence is often seen as a place in time, not an emotion or a feeling. We are suggesting that when you are connected to the "generous present moment" one can experience a sense of strength, a connection to creation. But often, in our busyness of living, the present moment is skipped over as we move to the next minute and then the next minute. Busy, busy, busy. 

In this classroom, we are going to slow you down and bring you to a fuller awareness of what "being present" feels like; what power being present contains and how to call yourself into presence as you need. 


IN WEEK ONE, we will first discuss the idea of Presence and "being present". Understanding is the first leg of this journey to using Presence as a creative emotion. We will explore how you use - or avoid - being present. We will work with first being present in the moment, in our physical body. Then move to presence in the deeper layers of the self. Then, we will discuss the "generosity" of the present moment and what that idea even means. How can presence be creative? We will leave you with some homework to prepare for the second week of this classroom.


IN WEEK TWO, we will review the homework and revisit the ideas we came to the previous week. Week Two is the active part of this classroom where we will use a process, done in meditation, to activate presence as an energy, as a creative emotion, in our body. We will do this chakra by chakra, activating presence and exploring the full feeling and the full power of this highly creative emotion. For, how can we create and receive the wonderful gifts that life offers, if we are not present for delivery? 



Opportunities present themselves to us in the "generous present moment". Often in our busyness, those opportunities go by unnoticed. Or, we are too "busy" to welcome change and the potential it can offer. In this classroom, we will explore your relationship to the present moment, opening you up to the opportunities it can bring.


Does it feel like nothing changes in your life?

Does it feel like life is running you, like you are the hamster on the wheel?

Are you looking for new opportunities but ... nothing seems to be coming to you? 

Are you always creating but never receiving? 

Then discovering and strengthening your Presence could be your answer!




Payment required

with registration.

Send your $35.00 Cdn.

using etransfer to


pay using Pay Pal 










Tickets for this classroom are not yet on sale. Check back please. 


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 Need more information?
Contact me directly.
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​© 2016 by Donna Somerville

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