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is about living with Soul,

not being directed by Soul.

It is a new way of being 

human with a soul.

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a personal workshop tailored to you

Is Your Life a Journey?

When we live our lives as a journey of experience, we then enter a life that is about more than earning money, paying bills and getting our kids to soccer practice. 

We begin to live a life that is no longer about "wanting" more but about "being" more. 

This ability to "be" in life, becomes about being in the right place, at the right time, receiving life fully with as little suffering as possible.

To "be" in life is about a partnership between ourselves as a human and something else. A Divine Partnership, whether through religious beliefs or spiritual ones. 

Can you be "guided" in your life journey?

A Divine Partnership is having a faithful sense that you are not alone in life. That life is not just "happening" to you. 

But how to "recognize" guidance?

How to "know" the right path? 

This is where our

Mentoring Sessions

can serve you, 

professionally or personally. 

Is it time to feel "guided"?

Is it time to be the

Director of your life? 

How a session works : 

 - we listen to you, your wishes and your "I can't"s

- we connect to Your Soul Essence

 - we perceive and channel what you "can" become

 - from channel, we provide teachings, gentle challenges and homework 

- we meet once a month

- we record the session for you to download

- we review homework at the start of each session

- we use the homework as the starting place for the next session

- we use your desires, your limitations as the design of your session 


Whether you are a practitioner of intuitive arts and healing, or a "common man" living a simple life, this session can serve you. 

If a professional, with hopes of developing new skills, we have a list of "Volunteer Clients" for You to practice with. Working In Person, using Telephone or Zoom online, as well as remote/distance. Remote? This is how to connect remotely and work with no one present in the room.

Practice to see what else is possible for you. Do not just tap into past life ability and "be" that again -- use old abilities in new ways. Let us help you discover how! 


This is a One on One Workshop,

Designed by Your Soul Essence, for You!


We will draw on our awareness of

Your Soul Journey Map,

to design Your Unique, One on One Workshop. 




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So I do have to be "psychic"?


When spiritually began to move beyond religion, the first stage of a developing spirituality seemed to be connected to being psychic. But no more!  We have moved far beyond that now and so can you! 

We are now in a stage of evolution that we call a Divine Partnership. This Partnership is about becoming aware, once again, of our instincts; our natural "knowing". It is now about developing an awareness that has an intuitive aspect to it, but is so much more than psychic. We are suggesting that the use of this Divine Partnership starts with the opening of psychic ability and then moves beyond that to an Intuitive Instinct; an instinct that is beyond receiving messages or guidance. It is about developing a natural state of knowing that directs decisions without a “message” to do so; a natural state of knowing that directs your life path without hesitation, providing more certainty.

Decide it is time!!







First Session: $150.00 Cdn.

Continuing Sessions: $130.00 Cdn


Each Session, 60 Min.

Session Prices +taxes in Canada, + fees Internationally

Recorded and available for download.


​© 2016 by Donna Somerville

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