Donna Somerville
Soul Solutions for your Human Journey
CALL/TEXT : 506-357-7007

Is this Classroom
for me? How do I know?
If you find yourself attached to what you know and truly afraid of moving in new directions - then this is the place for you.
If you are over reactive when plans get changed and you find it difficult to "go with the flow" of the new plans - then this is the place for you.
If each time you seek to expand in new directions professionally or personally, you are met with unexpected road blocks - then this is the place for you.
local EVENTS
a Meditative Classroom
Inside each one of us, there is a “security guard” or Inner Warrior, that reviews and chooses what energies will be allowed into our fields, body and life and what energies will be refused.
A wonderful defensive feature BUT, what if our Inner Warrior has decided that the energy for an abundant, exciting, adventurous life is just too unfamiliar, too unknown. What if our Inner Warrior becomes cautious because of our history, but with our history being the deciding factor, how does the new, the unexpected, the miraculous enter our lives?
IN THIS EVENT, we will explore the Inner Warrior, chakra by chakra. Each chakra has its own specific purpose and so the Inner Warrior has its own special set of defenses for each chakra.
WE BEGIN by uncovering our Inner Warrior’s defense and rewrite the job description for our Warrior, chakra by chakra. This exercise will involve thoughtful writing, directed by questions we will ask.
NEXT is the Meditative Process of 60-90 minutes. In a guided process, we will move through the body chakra by chakra, transforming our Inner Warrior into our Body Guard with a new, more evolved purpose; installing this Body Guard using Creative Emotions as our tool.
Want to register for this event?
Need more information?
Contact me directly.
Use this email form.

Saturday March 24th, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Cost is $35.00 Cdn.
Pre registration required, with pre payment.
LOCATION: My Home, Waasis NB
Limited Space available for 12 participants.
A Chakra System that is open and well supported by an evolved Inner Warrior, working with the Creator’s energies, facilitating the receiving into your life.

Dates to be Determined.