Donna Somerville
Soul Solutions for your Human Journey
CALL/TEXT : 506-357-7007

Meditation Classrooms
No time for a meditation class?
Whenever you meditate, your mind does not stop?

Cost? $10 each
This Guided Visualization Meditation begins by clearing tensions from the physical body using a Golden White Light. As this light flows through the body, the body responds and meditation begins. We then journey to that place where the connection to Father Creator and Mother Earth is strengthened. The Mother and Father's touch is then brought into the body, replacing those tensions with the Light Touch of The Father Creator and the Grounded Strength of the Mother Earth. A gentle blending of Spirit, Earth and Human.
Duration: 43.26
In this meditative journey, we draw the Golden White Light throughout the whole of the body, to bring You to a relax state. You are then guided to untie the strings of the day, and truly free yourself from the affects of your day. Still using the Light, you then create a space for the "Color of You" to enter, filling all the spaces with the strength and certainty that is YOU; allowing You to be guided to discover the new expressions possible for YOUR SELF. A journey of rediscovery; a journey for re connection. This CD also contains a second track of the music only. Meditation Duration 38:41; Music Only 14:24
An important step in creating your life, is to be still and quiet enough to hear your deepest desires. This guided visualization meditation takes You on a journey to that quiet place within the center of You, reconnecting You to your "Silent Self". We then spend time in that silent center to find the power that lies buried there. This meditation is also useful for those of You with insomnia or chronic pain. In the Silence, miracles abound.
Duration 40:03
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In our guided journey meditation, we "use" your mind and so, you and your mind learn to meditate, together.

This Guided Visualization Meditation begins by bringing a sense of peace into the body to help find and clear the "troubled spots" within. Then, Using this strengthened sense of Peace, You prepare your self to "Awaken the Dreamer" within; that part of You that remembers your hopes and dreams, and can begin to re create them again.
Duration: 38:17

Experience a wonderful reconnection bringing the Golden
white Light deeper and deeper within, until it conencts You to Your origins; connecting You to the Spark of Creator, within. Then, You begin to allow the qualities of the Creator be felt, and woven together penetrating mind, heart, human spirit and finally the physical body. You then radiate the qualities of beauty, kindness, love, creativity, expansiveness, receptivity and abundance . This meditation renews, rejuvenates and strengthens the foundation of You; renewing the Creator's orginial idea of You.
Duration: 44:52