Donna Somerville
Soul Solutions for your Human Journey
CALL/TEXT : 506-357-7007

our store of
This page is updated regularly,
as new classrooms are produced
and become available.
Visit often and
see what calls to Your Heart!

- NO personal sharings from participants -
The joy of an audio classroom, is that you can simply put in your ear buds, close your eyes
AND You Are There!
Below are a series of classroom in which we explore the connection between High vibration emotions and our creative well being.
Below is a series of classrooms we did, exploring the use of high vibration emotions/feelings and how to become fluent in their use. Which feeling do you need to strengthen and learn to use fluently?
Click on one, below and begin your journey to .....
Why study
Your emotions can be used to maintain a higher vibration in your body, freeing you from your past, and strengthening your present moment.
Abraham/Hicks :
" The Universe does not hear words,
it only hears feelings."
Be sure to scan
down the full length of the page. There
is a wide
assortment of classrooms
for you in
your journey.
Class # 1 - The Power of Joy
Total Class Time - 148 min.
Cost $45.00 Cdn

New Tools are Yours!
YES, your emotions can be your tools instead of reactions and over reactions that lead to impulsive, sometimes foolish decisions.
Learn to let go of that lower frequency, reactive emotion. Replace them with your new found ability to call up and hold the space of any Creative Emotion.

Class # 2
The Power to Create Freedom
Total Class Time - 136 min.
Cost $45.00 Cdn
Here we offer you the chance to attend our weekly meditation classroom. We have produced some of more effective meditations and have included the introduction and teachings before the meditation, as well as the after talk that includes answers to questions asked by our students after their meditation experience. No personal sharing from students is included. But, the teachings from Donna initiated by those sharings and questions are included to help you feel as if you were really there.
Meditation #1
Opening Up
Total Class Time - 136 min.
Cost $45.00 Cdn
Questions about anything that you see here. Email me directly, using this email form.
In this meditative classroom, we will become the Commander of Our Inner Warrior. We will transform our Inner Warrior into our Body Guard!
Inside each one of us, there is a “security guard” or Inner Warrior, that is in charge of our safety. A wonderful defensive feature BUT, it is entirely based on our life experience so far.
Which means our Inner Warrior is using
our PAST to determine our FUTURE!
This Inner Warrior reviews and chooses what energies will be allowed into our fields, body and life and what energies will be refused.
What if our Inner Warrior has decided that the energy
for an abundant, exciting, adventurous life is just too unfamiliar, too unknown?
What if our Inner Warrior becomes cautious
because of our history?
How does the new, the unexpected,
the miraculous enter our lives?
Our Inner Warrior is most often in charge of
maintaining the status quo!
How do we change?
How do we grow?