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This an interview that explains my personal journey. How did I get here from there? 1988 to now? Watch this interview if you are interested in my personal spiritual journey. 

This interview was done by Bernice Williams (

Bernice decided to add to the dynamic of "International Women's Day" with a year long project. I was happy to be part of that project. Click here to view more of her interviews:


I started my spiritual journey in 1988, as a Federal Government Employee seeking to heal a high blood pressure problem by joining a Meditation Class. I promptly quit two weeks later, it was just too "weird" for me, never having heard about "past lives" before. Luckily, I did go back a week later for in that class I found myself AND met my husband whom I married in 1989.


My journey started with that same Meditation Group meeting every Tuesday night for five or more years. It was with Barbara Eagles in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Barbara was also a Trance Medium, and that was my first experience with channeling; every Sunday night for five or more years we gathered to listen to "spirit" channel through Barbara and my world began to expand. It was in this group, that I also had my first introduction to past life regression, recovery of Inner Child, and Tarot Card Reading. Thank you Barbara, passed over now, for allowing me to apprentice with you.  When I left this group, I was a Meditation Teacher.


Those classes were followed with courses taken with Dr. Frank Alper from Arizona, then Bonnie Bielous, then from California and Barbara Standiford then from Philadelphia. It was with Bonnie and Barbara that I first experienced Emotional Bodywork and began to understand the effect emotions had in our body.  I left my Federal Government Job in the early 1990's and the rest is my brave and inspired history!





Raised Roman Catholic;

Very active in the church growing up;

Always have had a good relationship with God.

Parents passed early; Dad when I was 21 yrs. old; Mom when I was 24

On my own for many years; getting

married when I was 33 years old

Still married to my Soulmate, David Somerville.

Met David in that first meditation class in 1988; Have journeyed together ever since.



My journey has continued ever since, resulting in training in the following areas: 

Cellular Pattern

Release, 1993

MariEl, with Ethel Lombardi, 1989

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Reiki, Level One, 1995

Reiki Level Two, 1996

Reiki, redo Level Two, 2002

Reiki Masters, 2002


Training, 1994

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DEEKSHA Training


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TRE - Trauma Release Exercises

with David Berceli

Level One Training, 2009

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THETA Healing:

Basic DNA Training, 2014; Advanced DNA, August 2016.

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Access Consciousness

"The Bars" Training, 2012

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Dr. Joe Dispenza


August 2016


November 2016, and 

June 2017.

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Dr. Hew Len 

and Joe Vitale

Ho'oponopono Training

October 2019

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